
0.5.5·default·Published 9/30/2024

Data Package for the Customer 360 (Retail) Example

This data package is used by the Customer 360 (Retail) Example which demonstrates how to integrate data from multiple sources to create a comprehensive Customer 360 view. By combining customer data with orders and product information, we can offer customers a detailed look at their purchase history and enable analytics and search functionalities through a GraphQL API.

We will use the SQRL Nut Shop, an e-commerce store that sells a variety of nuts and seeds, as the example. The goal is to provide a customer with insights into their purchase behavior, order details, and product searches.

Data Overview

The Customer 360 pipeline aggregates four core data sources: Customers: Basic customer profile information (e.g., name, email, and country). Orders: Details about orders, including products purchased, time of order, and any discounts applied. Order Items: Specific details of products in each order.

  • Products: Information about each product sold (e.g., name, weight, and category).

Customers Data

This dataset contains the customer profile data, which is used to identify customers and connect them with their orders.


  • id: Unique customer identifier.
  • first_name: The customer's first name.
  • last_name: The customer's last name.
  • email: Customer's email address.
  • ip_address: IP address used by the customer.
  • country: Country of residence.
  • changed_on: Timestamp of the last change to the customer's data.

Sample Data:


Order Items Data

The order items data includes detailed records of the products purchased in each order. Each order can have multiple items.


  • id: Unique order identifier.
  • customerid: The ID of the customer who placed the order.
  • time: Timestamp of when the order was placed.
  • items: An array of items purchased in the order, each item containing:
  • productid: The ID of the purchased product.
  • quantity: The number of units of the product purchased.
  • unit_price: The price per unit.
  • discount: Any discount applied to the unit price (optional).

Sample Data:

  "id": 150000001,
  "customerid": 13,
  "time": "2023-01-03T13:08:50.269Z",
  "items": [
    {"productid": 140, "quantity": 2, "unit_price": 25.83, "discount": 15.32},
    {"productid": 184, "quantity": 1, "unit_price": 8.47}

Orders Data

The Orders dataset gives a summary of customer orders, focusing on which products were purchased, when, and at what price.


  • id: Unique order identifier.
  • customerid: The customer ID associated with the order.
  • time: Timestamp of the order.
  • productid: The ID of the product purchased.
  • quantity: The number of units purchased.
  • unit_price: Price of the product per unit.
  • discount: Any discount applied to the product.

Sample Data:

{"id": 150000001, "customerid": 13, "time": "2023-01-03T13:08:50.269Z", "productid": 140, "quantity": 2, "unit_price": 25.83, "discount": 15.32}

Products Data

The product dataset contains information about the products sold in the e-commerce shop, which is essential for matching order items with product descriptions, weights, and categories.


  • id: Unique identifier for the product.
  • name: The name of the product.
  • sizing: The size or package description.
  • weight_in_gram: The weight of the product in grams.
  • type: The type of product (e.g., ?Nuts?, ?Seeds?).
  • category: The category to which the product belongs (e.g., ?almonds?, ?mixed nuts?).
  • usda_id: A reference to USDA product information.
  • updated: The last update timestamp for the product information.

Sample Data:

  "id": 21,
  "name": "mixed nuts, oil roasted, with peanuts, with salt added",
  "sizing": "2 lbs",
  "weight_in_gram": 907,
  "type": "Nuts",
  "category": "mixed nuts",
  "usda_id": 168600,
  "updated": "2023-01-01T22:14:30.525Z"

How to use the data package with an example

We are going to build a data pipeline that aggregates customer data. With DataSQRL, you can implement the entire data pipeline in a single SQL script.

  1. Create a new folder for the data pipeline:
mkdir nutshop; cd nutshop
  1. Then create a new file called nutshop.sqrl and copy-paste the following SQL code:
IMPORT datasqrl.examples.retail.OrderItems AS Orders;
IMPORT datasqrl.examples.retail.Products;
IMPORT datasqrl.examples.retail.Customers;
IMPORT time.*;
IMPORT text.textSearch;

Orders.totals := SELECT sum(quantity * unit_price - coalesce(discount, 0.0)) as price,
                  sum(coalesce(discount, 0.0)) as saving FROM @.items;

Customers := DISTINCT Customers ON id ORDER BY timestamp DESC;
Customers.purchases := JOIN Orders ON Orders.customerid =;
Customers.country0 := coalesce(country, 'none');
Orders.customer := JOIN Customers ON @.customerid =;

Customers.spending := SELECT endOfWeek(p.time) AS week,
         sum(t.price) AS spend, sum(t.saving) AS saved
      FROM @.purchases p JOIN p.totals t
      GROUP BY week ORDER BY week DESC;

Customers.order_stats := SELECT min(p.time) as first_order,
                             sum(t.price) as total_spend, sum(t.saving) as total_saved,
                               count(1) as num_orders
                        FROM @.purchases p JOIN p.totals t;

Customers.past_purchases := SELECT i.productid, count(1) as num_orders,
         sum(i.quantity) as total_quantity
      FROM @ JOIN Orders o ON o.customerid = JOIN o.items i
      GROUP BY i.productid
      ORDER BY num_orders DESC, total_quantity DESC;

/*+test */
CustomerPurchaseTest := SELECT, p.productid, count(*) as num
                        FROM Customers c JOIN c.past_purchases p
                        GROUP BY id, productid
                        ORDER BY id ASC, productid ASC;

Products := DISTINCT Products ON id ORDER BY updated DESC;

_OrderItems := SELECT, o.time, o.customerid, i.* FROM Orders o JOIN o.items i;

_OrderItemsProduct := SELECT o.*, as productName, p.category as productCategory, p.type as productType
    FROM _OrderItems o JOIN Products p ON o.productid =;

ProductSearch(@customerId: BIGINT, @query: String) := SELECT id, time, productid, productName, quantity,
                                                             textSearch(@query, productName, productCategory) as score
                                 FROM _OrderItemsProduct
                                 WHERE textSearch(@query, productName, productCategory) > 0
                                        AND customerid = @customerId
                                 ORDER BY score DESC;
  1. Compile the SQL script to an integrated data pipeline:
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/build datasqrl/cmd:v0.5.5 compile nutshop.sqrl
  1. By default, DataSQRL uses docker to run data pipelines locally. Start the pipeline with docker compose:
(cd build/deploy; docker compose up --build)
  1. Once you are done, hit CTRL-C and take down the pipeline containers with:
docker compose down -v 

Querying the API

Once the data pipeline is running, you can query the API using GraphiQL.

Retrieve Recent Purchases

To get recent purchases for a specific customer, use the following query:

  Customers(id: 5) {
    purchases {
      items {

Spending History

To get a breakdown of customer spending and savings over previous weeks:

  Customers(id: 5) {
    spending {

Repeat Purchases

To identify which products the customer has purchased multiple times:

  Customers(id: 5) {
    past_purchases {

Product Search

To search customer orders for a specific product (e.g., ?macadamia?):

  ProductSearch(customerId: 5, query: "macadamia") {

Additional Resources

For further details on how this package works check out our detailed Retail Customer360 Nutshop tutorial.


Add the following to the dependencies of your package.json:




This data package is used by the Customer 360 (Retail) Example which demonstrates how to integrate data from multiple sources to create a comprehensive Customer 360 view. By combining customer data with orders and product information, we can offer customers a detailed look at their purchase history and enable analytics and search functionalities through a GraphQL API.